Friday, November 30, 2012

November happenings!

Okay so there went a month and I have SO much it would be impossible to write. So I'm going to focus on some highlights and then talk about my we go!

1. ALMA camp- we put on a camp for high school girls in our region a few weeks ago. It was so great. Each volunteer brought 2-3 girls to the capital city for a weekend of games, laughter and learning. We covered themes of self-esteem, drugs/alc, sex ed (they don't get this in school), gender differences, and had them do a mock problem-solving project in teams. I got to lead dance aerobics in the morning and we also had a spontaneous dance session where we taught them Cotton Eyed Joe, the Electric Slide, the Soulja Boy,  and fun! Our Country Director also came and had great things to say about it.

2. Thanksgiving Break- a break it was! I had an amazing time relaxing on the beach with a few close friends. We made a wonderful meal and it was very special...if I had to be away from home, it was the place to be. I also got to see a bunch of friends who were in transit to other vacation spots around the country (Sidenote: Peru is SO big with so much to see, I wonder if I'll get to it all!).

3. My host mom's birthday party. First of all it was on a Monday night- but here they don't let that stop 'em. My family killed 2 ducks they had been raising in our neighbor's yard and it was the best duck I've ever had...soo delicious. So we ate and the beer/wine started getting passed around. It wasn't a huge party, but they had no lack of alcohol. We danced and danced, and every time I looked at my watch another hour passed. am. Nick (my site mate) and I saw the beer winding down and thought the party would be ending soon. Then they brought another whole box of 12 beers (the big ones, not personal size) and the fiesta continued. Finally at 4am we wound down...whew! It was a blast but I think it threw my whole week off sleep-wise. Good thing her birthday is only once a year!

4. I saw the funniest thing the other day, and I have to share. I turn the corner to go down to the high school with my site mate Nick and we see a lady, with a broom and water, literally washing the telephone pole outside her house. I don't understand why, but they wash the sidewalks- and even street areas sometimes- here. They say it gets dusty...but I had yet to see someone washing their telephone pole...ha! I couldn't stop laughing.

5. Another funny anecdote- There is a random clown I have seen twice in town who tries to woo me with his 3 lines in English- the same 3 lines both times. "Where are you from?" "Welcome to my country" "I love you, I love you so much!" Haha I couldn't even help but laugh.

OK today... I got to go to the "campo," or the rural area outside town where there is more poverty, to give a talk on personal financing/family budgeting to a bunch of teachers and it was a really neat experience. This community hardly has anything compared to where I live...a plaza, a health center, a municipality, one store, and a few schools. They don't have electricity except when they run the generator. I had the privilege of meeting Flor (means flower)- the janitor at the health center- when I went to help bring the snack for the participants. She captured my interest right away. Turns out she is 23 and single like me, and more outgoing than many campo women (they are often super timid and reserved, esp around me). It broke my heart to learn that she never got the chance to continue her studies past elementary school, when her dad got hurt and couldn't work- meaning they couldn't afford the school supplies/uniforms. But the most humbling part about it was she was not bitter/upset about it. She took up knitting and selling her products to support herself and her family. She really impacted me, and I hope to somehow work with her and the community of Tumbaden (even tho its pretty far away).

Enjoy the photos below...( yayyy they uploaded this time!!)
Until next time, be blessed,