Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some thoughts from today...

  • Went to the 2nd of 2 computer trainings with some ladies from my artisan group. It was amazing (and a little painful lol) to watch as they learned to manage Microsoft Word for the first time. I was there for solidarity and to help them also with their questions. It was quite the scene as I sat there trying to perfect the knitting stitch I learned while they were trying to learn computer skills. It was as if I entered their world and them mine. 
  • Then I went to the only Community Bank I hadn't visited yet. The ladies branched off of the other group that was started by the volunteer before me. It was so great to see the ladies so content- telling me about how they never were able to save money before but now they were committed and having to be responsible and accountable to one another. It was cool too to see the friendship and trust within the group- especially because trust is a huge challenge I see here. There are countless stories of groups falling apart or people leaving because something happened that offended them and they couldn't work through it. I hope they continue strong :)
  • 9 days til my parents come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to be patient and embrace the days ahead with full force. Also three months from today I'll be homeeeee! It will be so sweet to visit :)
  • For those who weren't aware, I changed rooms and now I am in the house with the family, more secure. Here is a pic of my new room. 

Thanks for reading. Hasta la proxima! (til next time)