Friday, February 28, 2014

How do keep 50 kids occupied during their school vacations?

Vacaciones Útiles:
These past couple months I've been doing a vacation school with the local kids. Started with over 50 kids, ages 6-15. We did English, took "trips" to other countries (via pictures/info in powerpoint presentations), identified problems and created work plans to solve them, focused on the environment with a trash pick-up day and a lets-make-crafts-out-of-recycled-materials day, learned about history, and had 2 field trips to nearby places. Although I was totally overwhelmed at times and even super frustrated, we finished strong and I will always remember that I got to have an impact on these kids' lives. Praise Him :0)

I've been working with my artisans over this winter as well. Some BIG is that we now have the support of another NGO to help in the aspects of business management and writing a business plan. Also we won a mini-grant that I solicited so now we have our own weaving machine. And we were able to participate in a fair recently- didn't sell much and were pretty bummed. But then we got the surpruse that we won S/.500 for our stand!! The ladies defended their products in front of the judge so well, I am super proud! We will likely use that money for a sewing machine since they don't have one. Now I have less than 5 months, so these ladies are my main priority to finish strong and get them trained to take this business and run with it. Write back soon, thanks for reading you all are the best!

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